The company has countered accusations by activists, challenging the accuracy of criticisms.
The family's comeback has forced President Wahid to counter accusations that the Suriadjayas have become neocronies.
We wanted to give them proper consideration, in part to counter accusations that we simply ignore the sceptics' views.
Gersen guessed at the dramatic confrontations, fierce reproaches and countering accusations which had taken place.
Both men, however, make an effort to counter negative accusations of detachment, isolation, and narcissism.
Fleet Bank, which is working to counter accusations of failing to lend to poor people, was not alone in reporting favorable results.
"We'll have to create a plan to counter Soviet and Cuban accusations of guilt and pick up the pieces as best we can."
Democrats made much of this issue, and Willson did little to counter accusations that he was unsympathetic to the plight of the farmers.
The workers countered accusations of dishonesty and slipshod working with claims of "oppression".
While such defenses are more than sufficient if one is simply attempting to counter silly accusations, they are ultimately inadequate.