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We are not only looking to cost control to help us.
At the same time, it has always been strong on cost control.
And it's not just a matter of cost control, he said.
The study also found no relationship between financing and cost control.
That is likely to keep business aggressively involved in health cost control.
Too strong an emphasis on cost control can actually hurt a company.
Cost controls on the commercial side are also working, he added.
But the company said it was not giving up cost controls.
Most of all, their cost control has been very good."
This will result in effective cost control for the builder.
Prescription drugs are not subject to cost control in the bill.
"We view the potential weaknesses in cost control as a project risk," the report said.
The country would still need a specific plan to cover the uninsured, but cost control has to come first, I think.
Beyond the need for cost control, the consensus breaks down.
Affiliated management is particularly effective at cost control, she said.
"Companies have had to be more creative about cost control.
Another key to cost control is to make patients cost-conscious.
The driving force of the trend is not truth or justice, but cost control.
In our western society, cost control almost inevitably means job losses.
In any case, the problem of cost control would remain unsolved.
It also is not related to cost controls, according to members of the task force.
The company said additional cost controls would be needed to meet its 2004 financial goals.
But whatever course is taken by the health insurance industry, some form of cost control remains desirable.
For further information, see the page in this guide on financing your idea and cost control.
Managers need to maintain cost control over the manufacturing process.