The Ritz-Carlton said it had acted because of breaches of contract, including their owners' representatives' refusal to pay more than $4 million in management fees and cost reimbursements.
Secondly, the current pattern of provision grew up initially on the basis of 'full cost reimbursement' and latterly on 'prospective payment', in both cases from non-cash-limited public funds.
Sentiment against the fine, which some Republicans called a "cost assessment" or a "cost reimbursement," was apparently what motivated 26 Republicans to vote against the sanctions package.
The companies have filed claims of $1.4 billion against the Pentagon for cost reimbursement that they say is the Government's responsibility, and expect to file $200 million more in claims soon.
Is the contract based on fixed prices (specify type of fixed-price contract), or cost reimbursement (specify type of cost-reimbursement contract).
Hospitals were forced to leave the "nearly risk-free world of cost reimbursement" and face the uncertain financial consequences associated with the provision of health care.
In addition, the Federal Government will increase the amount of its cost reimbursement, to 75 percent from 60 percent.
This classification system could not be improved to a more elaborated and scientific form, probably because it is often used for cost reimbursement.
Offering cost reimbursement Some countries such as Chile and South Africa allow reimbursement of original project proponents for their project concept or project development costs.
In the United States my understanding is that there is provision for cost reimbursement, but in the EU there is no consistent policy.