The album is about experiences surrounding a relationship breakup, with each track corresponding to a month in the year after the break-up.
These must then be combined to generate an interferogram in which each point corresponds to the same time-delay after the flash.
No Love: this corresponds to the end of the mission, a calm after so many years of work.
Saito respected Toosey greatly and they corresponded after the war.
Willis and Chubbuck first corresponded in June 1844 after her failed attempt at writing children's stories.
He also uses it to befriend a Frenchman, and continues to correspond with him in English after the war.
Jackson continued to correspond with Dolley Madison after the death of his wife and her sister.
Jan and Kevin corresponded as pen pals for six years after their first meeting.
He continued to correspond with other army ant researchers with enthusiasm after retiring.
The plans corresponded to the Empire's evolution: authoritarian until 1859, and more liberal after 1860.