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The three cordilleras began to take shape 12 million years ago.
That was all it took to make me want to explore the cordillera's far side.
The latter name in now reserved for the species east of the cordillera.
Nighttime is even worse on the cordillera, or mountain range.
The term cordillera comes from the Spanish word meaning 'rope'.
The Andes cordillera is the western limit of the species.
In the south, the cordilleras are not well defined.
It is on the northern side of the Cordillera Central mountain range.
A cordillera is an extensive chain of mountains or mountain ranges.
But these rumored residents of the Amazon basin were a world away, over the cordillera.
The craggy cordillera stretched straight across the 50-mile twilight strip.
Perry had set his eye on the rugged mountain range with its steep cordillera climbing to over 12,000 feet.
The cordillera can be divided into three sections that are as follows:
This lithophytic wildflower is native in the western cordillera of Mexico.
The term is derived from cordillera meaning mountain range and applied usually to the Andes.
'We have to cross the first of the cordilleras according to the map you showed me.'
The Jesuits did not start missions in the valleys northeast of the cordillera until the 17th century.
Along its course the river borders the Cordillera del Paine.
It is found in from the Cordillera Central of Colombia.
Even though the pass does not go through the continental divide, it crosses the highest peaks of the cordillera.
That is the narrative cordillera along which "Wickerby" is strung.
Liftoff of the shuttle, blast vivid against an austere cordillera.
Having the right kind of government is important to us, and we sure as hell don't want a commie set-up in Cordillera."
Mountains generally occur in groups called ranges, which in turn form chains, systems, or Cordilleras.
Another cordillera dance, Salisid, is the dance to show courtship.