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There followed arrests and convictions for misdemeanors and violations.
New York and other states currently have laws that make a second conviction for misdemeanor drunken driving, for example, a felony.
Emerson does not address the portion of the Lautenberg Amendment involving conviction for misdemeanor domestic violence.
At the time, Andrews was serving a two year probation for a March 2002 conviction for misdemeanor criminal mischief.
It includes a felony conviction for check fraud and four convictions for misdemeanors, including theft and domestic violence, the federal authorities say.
The seven men released from the Fayette County Jail today, Mr. Larson noted, had a total of 21 prior felony convictions and 130 convictions for misdemeanors.
She has maintained a private profile since 1977, following her conviction for misdemeanor negligent homicide in connection with the death of her boyfriend, former Olympic skier Spider Sabich.
Mr. Evans, who has a previous conviction for misdemeanor assault in the 1970's, did not appear, however, according to law-enforcement officials, to have been actively involved in those controversies or any aspect of the investigation.
Judge William H. Freeman sentenced Mr. Jones today to two life terms without parole, to be served concurrently, as well as an additional 210 days in prison for his convictions for misdemeanor assault and driving under the influence.
Mr. Fishner said the mayor's proposal was an outgrowth of a law proposed by Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Pataki two years ago that would have made a person's fifth conviction for misdemeanor marijuana sales a felony conviction.
Sheikhan, a resident alien since he was nine years old, was arrested at his Las Vegas home on August 30, 2007 for violating his immigration status due to a 1995 conviction for misdemeanor sexual battery on a child under 18, where he served nine months in prison and 5 years probation.