U.S. dollars can be converted to local currency at exchange businesses authorized by the Angolan government.
Also, $981.1 million (7.1 million transactions) in cash was converted to electronic currency for use at U.S. military facilities via stored value card programs.
The $4 million annual interest, converted to local currency, would go into the national environment fund.
Customarily, workers could convert the tokens to official currency on Saturdays.
Of course, the money had to be converted to local currency, and though each child required some help, they did learn about money in various countries.
Just last Wednesday, it eased restrictions on businesses seeking to convert rubles to foreign currency.
The prices were in rubles but the cashiers converted to hard currency swiftly, at the high, official rates.
Bulloch arranged for cotton to be converted to hard currency, which he used to purchase war material including arms and ammunition, uniforms, and other supplies.
It is possible to convert forints back to Western currency, but the amount cannot exceed half the amount exchanged or $50.
In all these forms, the term indicates the most liquid form of assets, which have a fixed value and can be easily converted to currency: "ready money".