Mrs. Carmona, who is 34, has another perspective, one that reflects how much the conversion from tenement to vital co-op has changed her too.
But the railroad's conversion to electric power in 1907 dramatically changed the avenue's prospects, and luxury apartment houses, mansions and town houses began to go up.
In fact, this successful conversion from dusty warehouse to industrial chic has changed little since the restaurant's opening two years ago.
On a brighter note, "Dead to the World" is an uplifting story of a drug-addicted prostitute whose conversion to Christ changed her life completely.
The validation functions allow one to test whether a conversion would fail, and change the program's flow of control in an if statement.
Her conversion changed her life.
The conversion changed the appearance of the ships.
However, the gradual conversions to Islam over the centuries changed Egypt from a Christian to a largely Muslim country by the end of the 12th century.
Sometime around the 16th century, conversion to Islam changed the cultural identity of the former Sao.
THE next day, we returned to Chiang Rai and I set out to learn more about how development and religious conversion might change the region.