They already think those who use conventional desktops and laptops are rubes, so maybe this is just another step in their transition to an all-mobile company.
Yet, Compaq has been able to offer this very fast machine, loaded with memory and storage capacity, for a suggested price of $3,500, not much higher than similarly powerful conventional desktops.
In particular, the iMac models with flat-panel screens, which are more expensive than conventional desktops, contributed to the trend.
The idea is that any screen from a conventional desktop or even a projector can be retrofitted for multitouch interactions.
Like the larger notebooks, the Poqet will probably be used as a specialized peripheral to a conventional desktop system, so extended use is not likely.
Unlike conventional virtual desktops, the new GNOME workspaces aren't preconfigured in a static arrangement.
It doesn't have a conventional desktop or standard floating windows-the browser window completely fills the screen.
These form factors are regarded as important because they give OEMs more ability to distinguish and differentiate their products than conventional desktops.
It will instead punt you back to a more conventional 2.x-style desktop with regular GNOME panels.
Unlike Android, Moblin's graphics stack includes a standard Xorg server and can run conventional desktop Linux applications.