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Both thought that Vatutin controlled time, even though time is man's final master.
Like all his movements it was slow, almost majestic, as if he controlled time and could slow it to suit himself.
All the processing steps are carried out within a single processing machine with automatically controlled time, temperature and solution replenishment rate.
Lanarck reflected that Laoome controlled time in his universes as arbitrarily as he did space.
Because Chronos controlled time, Mym realized.
You could use the stimulator to voluntarily trigger a seizure in a controlled time and place, and thus, so to speak, defuse yourself safely.
Using a controlled time element and recorder, a power supply with smooth current, and very brief high currents, a satisfactory spot weld may be produced.
The modern equivalent of this sort of match is the simple fuse, still used in pyrotechnics to obtain a controlled time delay before ignition.
ACT had, as of October 2006, been evaluated in about 30 controlled time series studies or randomized clinical trials for a variety of client problems.
For opponents of the Republican plans, the tightly controlled time limits undermine the Mayor's assertions that tough new eligibility rules are restricting welfare to the truly needy.
I use this little machine to stimulate seizures, bleed them off in a controlled time and place, so they don't happen in an uncontrolled time and place.
With Leon Washington's speed and Barlow's power, the Jets controlled time of possession and controlled the pace in a way they rarely have against New England.
The action of igniting the arc at a controlled time, each cycle, allows the ignitron to dispense with the auxiliary anode and control grids required by other mercury-arc valves.
Frankly I find the idea of being attacked merely by these creatures to be a bit strange-especially considering the use of controlled time decelerators that enabled them to make us become visible to their eyes.
After much arguing, Perkins manages to persuade the Immortal to find the roots for the Vegan antipathy against the humans - by means of controlled time travel back to the last days of Sodom and Gomorrha.
"We look to kids to call it like it is," said Patricia Stegman, a family therapist in Englewood, N.J. "That's why adults find watching them so freeing, especially in tense, controlled times like these.
In other words, Ginsberg and his followers were campaigning against the establishment, the Luce family who controlled Time and Life, school, parents, the police - anyone in authority just as, in Britain it was emanating from Liverpool, the Marquee and Carnaby Street.