Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
The Court, using what is called the "effective control test", examines the role of the government in the institution.
Ukrainian democracy passed its quality control test, thanks in part to the efforts of this House.
Money to contractors will be released only after they come clean on quality control tests.
If there is any cause for concern, more controlled tests will be implemented.
Besides, an idea isn't always abandoned because it fails some quality control test.
It is with human beings that we are lacking the controlled test results.
"Okay, I think you need to set up an aerosol control test.
Out of control test results generated a letter to the patient suggesting they take action with their medical provider.
In a control test, each strain of bacteria was simply propagated on its own.
I can only make controlled tests, with Rhine cards and so on.
The reason for this expansion was to prevent the government from outsourcing services to private organizations in order to get around the "control test".
"We have all been agreed for some time that the next step must be a fully controlled test," Cuthrie went on.
"There's not a single controlled test that says so.
BP announces controlled test to burn oil off the surface was successful.
It states that a ball under highly controlled test launch conditions shall not travel more than 296.8 yards.
History does not allow trial runs, or controlled tests with placebos given to half the investors.
The shield went down for a thirty second manually controlled test sequence.
Inhibitory control test is a simple test measuring the person's attention.
How are scientists supposed to find a cure for cancer and more generally advance medicine if no one does controlled tests?
The engineless unit reached 160 km/h in a controlled test.
The old regulations provided for a control test: does the contractor or farmer hire and supervise workers?
I think modular exams are much better than the 'control tests' I am sitting at the moment.
A non-verbal control test refers to the ability to focus and then able to divert their attention when being instructed to.
After the material is processed, it goes through a series of let-down, filtering, and quality control tests.
So, refuse the cup of coffee until you have the resuts of your own quality control tests.