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Police were shown to have kept contradictory testimony from both the prosecution and defense.
He said the contradictory testimony had not provided sufficient grounds for a decision.
Still others said that they did not know what to think, after weeks of following at-times contradictory testimony in the news.
There is contradictory testimony by witnesses on that question.
The judge based many of his findings on another accused man who turned prosecution witness and gave contradictory testimony.
She had given contradictory testimony regarding her whereabouts on the night of the kidnapping.
The scientists gave highly technical and sometimes contradictory testimony before a full but largely quiet gallery.
There was no contradictory testimony before the committee.
He said that after discussions of the conflicting evidence and contradictory testimony, the prosecutors pressed forward.
In the maze of conflicting and contradictory testimony it has been difficult to ascertain the facts.
The owner's credibility was severely compromised when he gave contradictory testimony about the employee's performance.
From there the judge extrapolates about domestic violence, weighing the weak, contradictory testimony.
The author of two books about the princess's life, Burrell gave three days of often contradictory testimony last month.
And in the absence of contradictory testimony, such questions might be perceived by jurors to be a cheap shot.
Regarding the first discrepancy, conflicting and contradictory testimony has been given at various points by various different people.
But the subsequent six-week trial was filled with contradictory testimonies and debates over "free speech".
The high-profile dealer at times gave contradictory testimony, at one stage saying he built personal relationships with the instruments in his care.
He gave contradictory testimony at different times; she was easily painted by lawyers for the defense as a greedy and negligent parent.
In the hearings, psychiatrists again offered sharply contradictory testimony about the state of Miss Brown's mental health.
What emerges with the partial and contradictory testimony is a web of kinship intricate and vast.
His accusers in the War Ministry ignored exculpatory evidence and contradictory testimony.
In Trenton, a state grand jury is sifting contradictory testimony about what many in the department call "the incident."
The movie's talking heads include Nadezhda's surviving descendants, whose contradictory testimony combines family history and firsthand accounts.
But since July 19 the credibility of that denial has frayed under the weight of contradictory testimony from former executives and senior lawyers.
He is buried under all the facts, contradictory testimony, hearsay and conjecture that he would pack into the movie.