According to Barbrook, "American neo-liberalism seems to have successfully achieved the contradictory aims of reactionary modernism: economic progress and social immobility.
Diplomats suggest that South Africa has contradictory aims in its relations with Zimbabwe.
The United States has seemingly contradictory aims as regards Mr. Zubaydah.
It is doubtful whether any system could succeed in these contradictory aims.
The irony was that the two conflicting strands should converge on a proposal that was so unlikely to achieve its ill-defined and contradictory aims.
As Clinton Administration officials begin grappling with their newly announced policy on the Balkans, they are struggling to reconcile seemingly contradictory aims.
A10 The U.S. is trying to reconcile seemingly contradictory aims.
We have succeeded in reaching a compromise between comprehensive, high-quality provision of postal services and ever increasing competition in the sector, two essentially contradictory aims.
We could not just sweep aside Ariane, Raphael and Kaleidoscope and we had to reconcile apparently contradictory aims.
The management of American trade has been ineffective because our Government pursues contradictory aims: the ideal of free trade and the reality of favorable trade agreements.