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In this case the product of the investigation is a sound level contour map.
Obviously, this is not how actual contour maps are made.
"It is an accurate contour map of the region as seen from my station."
A color, contour map of the district is here.
"It's like the land is a contour map of itself," Simon said.
The contour maps show water depths and nearby main roads.
A contour map showing a quarter of the continent opened in the air before them.
He punched for screen display of a local terrain contour map.
A three-dimensional contour map appeared in midair over the table.
A contour map of this magnitude can be located from the survey engineer.
Such a map can be thought of as a rainfall contour map.
Then he set the instrument aside and sang: "Place on tap a contour map."
This means that gravitational potential energy on a contour map is proportional to altitude.
In the last few weeks he'd taught her how to build a fire, scale a fish, pitch a tent, and read a contour map.
Contour maps are especially useful for diffuse forms or scales of pollution.
Survey teams were put out to produce detailed contour maps of the options on the different routes.
On the other wall was a contour map, and on a third a wildlife vector.
"This is what the crazies call a contour map.
Micah pulled a contour map out of his jacket and squatted to study it.
Tasks based on road, town, London tube and contour maps proved to have a wide range of success rates.
Other types of mass spectrometry data are well represented as a three-dimensional contour map.
Repeated scans of the surface produced this contour map of the silicon.
This information has been used to draw up magnetic maps, similar in style to contour maps.
When flying over water, contour maps are replaced by magnetic field maps.