After Trafalgar, the British island nation was safe from the threat of invasion by continental armies.
Lack of conscription was the most striking of all differences between the British and continental armies.
France's need to support a large continental army and its desire to expand its empire in the Caribbean brought it near bankruptcy.
After the disaster of Poltava in 1709, the shattered Swedish continental army could provide very little help.
He had been unable to attend to his duties on the church vestry during the war while leading the continental armies.
Before the war began, many continental European armies still considered the cavalry to hold a vital place in their order of battle.
Irish recruitment for continental armies dried up after it was made illegal in 1745.
In the French or other continental armies a vivandière was a woman who supplied food and drink to troops in the field.
Thereafter, he turned his attention into securing contracts with the government in the manufacture of muskets for the newly formed continental army.
Attacks on hospitals are, among your own continental army, unprecedented.