Contains quotations from Noam Chomsky, in addition to various news report excerpts.
The notebooks contain quotations that struck Lichtenberg, titles of books to read, autobiographical sketches, and short or long reflections.
Containing language common to Harris's sect, it also contains some biographical facts as well as quotations.
There is an entire chapter containing numerous false quotations from the Talmud.
This ancient text supposedly contained the logia or quotations from Jesus.
Three items - boxer trunks, a bra and a T-shirt - contain quotations about poetry and gender.
A second bronze plaque, containing quotations from James' and significant dates and events from her life, was placed on the back of the monument.
Scene 5 is a homage to Wagner and contains several quotations from the Ring Cycle.
It contained historical material and quotations from prominent scholars, both liberal and conservative, supporting the view that the Senate should consider ideology.
The news service's report contains extensive quotations from the new draft, comparing it with earlier versions.