Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
That's because the main driver of today's market is consumer psychology.
"Consumer psychology is switching to worrying about a job and what's going to happen in the next six months."
Package tracking is a perfect marriage of high technology and consumer psychology.
The issue presents a rich opportunity for social scientists to experiment with consumer psychology.
This can affect only the cost of funds, and business and consumer psychology.
She ascribed the demand to a basic tenet of consumer psychology.
Not only the two measures of consumer psychology but all recent economic statistics paint a mixed pictures, he said.
But consumer psychology is the most important factor.
Still, a long-term weakening in house prices could mean major changes in consumer psychology.
Consumer psychology had turned against the snob appeal that worked so well for the company in the 1980's.
The Economy The improvement in consumer psychology has not translated into a spending surge.
Marketing and financial considerations, politics, doctors' concerns and consumer psychology all may play a role.
The first, an outstanding embrace of consumer psychology.
It is this kind of consumer psychology that the animal-rights movement has yet to do battle with, though fur protests continue.
And the only unarguable truth about consumer psychology is that it is irrational.
Leveraging consumer psychology for effective health communications: The obesity challenge (pp.
Part of that knack, they said, is an ability to detect the effect on the economy of investor and consumer psychology.
"Consumer psychology isn't necessarily a leading indicator of consumer spending," he said.
Following postdoctoral work, he taught industrial and consumer psychology at Purdue University.
More intriguing is what all this tells us about consumer psychology in the real estate market in the United States.
They started thinking about how to apply their academic training in consumer psychology and methods of measuring consumer behavior to the new medium.
In addition to nutrition education, the book argues that changing food choices will be most effective when efforts focus on leveraging consumer psychology.
Quirky consumer psychology makes this necessary.
I was totally uninterested in business and ended up taking a master's in marketing and consumer psychology.
Retail sales are up, along with other gauges like factory orders and output, consumer psychology and the length of the work week.