For dietary fiber to be effective, you must eat the fiber itself, not just consume its flavor through brewing.
The feel of Jethro consuming her through the lace of her panties was destructive.
But consuming enough calcium through foods or supplements or both is not as simple as many women think.
This meal is served with taro and coconut bread, which is very popular and consumed all through the year.
For seven weeks after the procedure, her jaws were wired shut and she could consume only fluids through a straw.
But most Americans consume more than double that amount through pre-packaged food, restaurant meals, and a dependency on the salt shaker.
A wise nation does not consume its seed corn through excessive current consumption.
We will also be consuming just about everything media-related through the television screen in our living rooms.
It is recommended for the elderly to consume folate through food, fortified or not, and supplements in order to reduce risk of developing the disease.
This could be due to the fact that in early evolutionary history, choanoflagellates consumed algae as food through phagocytosis.