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In partisan Westminster systems, a constructive vote of no confidence is normally not required.
The cabinet was the first cabinet to be formed after a constructive vote of no confidence.
Since 1949, only two constructive votes of no confidence have been attempted, and only one has been successful.
The system, therefore, does not seem to guarantee continuity in the same way as the constructive vote of no confidence used in Germany and elsewhere.
Rather, the cabinet may continue as a minority government if the opposition is unable to agree to a successor via a constructive vote of no confidence.
For more details, see Constructive Vote of No Confidence.
A negative majority shall not prevent the formation of the government nor just overthrow it (see: Constructive vote of no confidence).
At the same time, the Orbán cabinet continued to strengthen the prime-minister-led political system and introduced the institution of the constructive vote of no confidence.
As with the German Basic Law, the term "constructive vote of no confidence" does not actually appear in the Constitution of Spain.
Similarly, if the council of ministers loses its majority support within the Sejm, the cabinet can be forced to resign in a constructive vote of no confidence.
The Prime Minister can be removed by the Legislative Assembly, through a constructive vote of no confidence - namely the election of a successor.
This concept, known as the constructive vote of no confidence, was carried over into the Basic Law of the FRG.
The unicameral National Assembly may not remove the Prime Minister of Hungary except by a constructive vote of no confidence.
The president can dismiss the Chancellor, but only in the event that the Bundestag passes a Constructive Vote of No Confidence.
On 1 October 1982, the CDU proposed a constructive vote of no confidence which was supported by the FDP.
To remove the chancellor, the parliament has to engage in a constructive vote of no confidence (Konstruktives Misstrauensvotum), i.e. the election of a new chancellor.
Klaus Wowereit became Governing Mayor after a constructive vote of no confidence against Eberhard Diepgen on 15 June.
A variant of the constructive vote of no confidence has been in place since the direct election of the Prime Minister of Israel was abolished in 2001.
Helmut Kohl replaces Helmut Schmidt as Chancellor of Germany through a Constructive Vote of No Confidence.
Tong Sang himself was similarly ousted by Temaru after the threat of a constructive vote of no confidence caused Tong Sang to step down in February 2009.
Gaston Tong Sang was elected president of French Polynesia as a result of this constructive vote of no confidence, but his majority in the territorial assembly is very narrow.
On 1 October 1982, parliament approved of a Constructive Vote of No Confidence and elected the CDU chairman Helmut Kohl as the new Chancellor.
The Kniefall was a symbolic action the opposition tried to use against Brandt, e.g. within a Constructive Vote of No Confidence in April 1972 which he survived by only two votes.
As a result, the 1949 Grundgesetz stipulates that a chancellor may only be voted down by Parliament if a successor is elected at the same time (see Constructive Vote of No Confidence).
Rather than holding new elections, the Free Democrats supported a constructive vote of no confidence against Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and in favor of Christian Democrat Helmut Kohl.