His three youngest daughters have battled a rare degenerative connective-tissue disease since birth and have had more than 25 operations.
Genetic tests could reveal if Lincoln was afflicted with the inherited connective-tissue disease, as some experts suspect.
It found that women with implants were 24 percent more likely to report that they had connective-tissue diseases than those without implants.
When he began his study, he added, lawyers representing women with implants were saying that the devices increased the risk of connective-tissue diseases by 500 percent.
But he added, "There may, and I underline the word may, be a small but statistically significant risk of connective-tissue disease."
The data included reports on whether the women had implants, when the implants had been done, and what connective-tissue diseases they had experienced.
Doctors who study the use of implants have suggested that they can cause allergic reactions, painful muscle contractions, connective-tissue diseases or infections.
Two studies presented today found no association between silicone gel breast implants and connective-tissue disease, confirming earlier findings in smaller studies.
But the Mayo study implies that most implant recipients will not suffer connective-tissue disease; at most a few percent might be affected.
Raskin died at the age of 56 on August 8, 1984 in New York City due to complications from a connective-tissue disease.