A congressional commission is expected to recommend a national policy in April.
He concludes that after the congressional commission turned back any accusation of wrongdoing, the story and scandal were never reported further.
Thanks to a Congressional commission that unveiled its recommendations about the institutions yesterday, there are some bold new ideas to consider.
At least six Presidential or Congressional commissions and dozens of lesser groups have called for change.
In 1995 a Congressional commission on immigration recommended that legal immigration be cut by one-third.
In addition to his writings, Johnson has edited a professional journal, and served on three presidential and congressional commissions.
The proposal echoed a key demand made by a Congressional commission that recently criticized the bank as a feckless anachronism.
Judge Garzón made his comments during testimony before a congressional commission that is investigating the March 11 attacks.
A congressional commission just last week issued a scathing critique of the fund and recommended that it cease all its long-term lending programs.
To help bridge the gap, in February a congressional commission recommended broader access to the tax-exempt market for infrastructure projects involving some private control.