Could Heem profit by the confusion engendered by the poor public spray?
At the feast afterwards Chalmers becomes smitten by a magical similcrum of the Lady Florimel, only to lose her in the confusion engendered by a sorcerous disruption of the proceedings.
Nothing, not even German wine names in ancient Gothic script, has done more to put off would-be wine drinkers than the confusion engendered by the factor of age.
That all the mystery and confusion engendered by the obscure missives had been Ivo's fault?
It is in the chapter headed 'Non-Economic Coercion in the Transition Period' that we can see the confusion engendered by the foregoing circumstances being translated into a hymn of praise for violence.
I have no doubt they counted on the confusion engendered by Dad's death to paralyze any potential attempt on our part to prevent them from securing control of one terminus of the Junction.
Because of the massive confusion engendered by Section 2-207, a revised version was promulgated in 2003, but the revision has not yet been adopted as law by any state.
The Old Wives' Tale uses the theatrical device of a play within a play which adds to the confusion engendered by its multiple plots.
So far as natural philosophy, the first of 'the two great provinces of speculative science, conversant about ideas received from sense', is concerned, the confusion engendered by materialism is great.
The confusion engendered by these strikes made it possible for Trotsky to return from Finland to St. Petersburg on October 15, 1905.