Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
For the current job, he is working in the conditioned air of an office building.
I am feeling chill in this conditioned air, and so must you.
Using this conditioned air in the elevator does not increase energy costs.
Inside, it was 76, but the store allowed everyone to enjoy its conditioned air.
I came back down, grateful to feel the cool conditioned air.
Cold, conditioned air - or maybe I was shivering for another reason.
These openings are also for the supply of conditioned air.
Even when it's extreme outside, conditioned air will be quietly delivered to areas of your choice.
Conditioned air rises to around 1.5 metres, enough to allow people to work in comfort.
Oh, terrific, that grand old smell of chilly conditioned air.
By their operation, dehumidifiers extract water from the conditioned air.
Sam stood, shivering as conditioned air brushed across his sweat-damp back.
The conditioned air is fed into the target drying area either directly or through ducts.
Diffusers: Terminal devices that distribute conditioned air throughout a space.
I put on my trainers, eager for a break from the sedentary train lifestyle and the conditioned air.
The nuclear glow of the walls was dead, the soft current of conditioned air absent.
Sarah nods, feeling the cool conditioned air of the bar chilling the sweat on her brow.
But their brief respite in the conditioned air of the shuttle made that first step outside a gasper.
The conditioned air inside gave him pause.
Perforated tiles are traditionally placed beneath computer systems to direct conditioned air directly to them.
Balancing the airflows ensures that all areas receive the correct proportion of the conditioned air.