Mr. Wilkes who was charged with concealing his interest in the deals through shell companies and intermediaries.
This scheme to conceal kickbacks through complex derivative transactions has come to an end.
It concealed losses through bribery, phony loans and unrecorded deposits.
They do things for themselves and then attempt to conceal their motivations through elaborate subterfuges.
Stanley is illiterate, a fact that he has managed to conceal from everyone through clever compensation.
But some assailants recently smuggled weapons concealed inside umbrellas through the detectors.
The process involves concealing proceeds of criminal activity through apparently legitimate channels.
The gang worked hard to conceal their new wealth, laundering it through property deals and phony businesses.
Blade hoped he would not have to conceal his identity through a prolonged search of the whole palace for the High Captain.
Ghanima actually finds the cure for the Abomination syndrome while trying to conceal truth through a form of deep hypnosis.