Many computer architects serve an extended apprenticeship as microprogrammers.
So when the computer architects of the past profiled the actual instructions that were being used, they discovered the familiar 90/10 rule.
In essence, computer architects are like egg marketers trying to decide on the right size for packaging.
As a computer architect at Cray Research from 1979 to 1987, he gained a reputation for machines that were both elegant and blindingly fast.
It is also sometimes used in 'hands-on' college courses, to train future computer architects.
Computer design has increasingly moved to a higher level of abstraction, and computer architects now work by assembling components like Legos.
Keith Diefendorff is a computer architect and veteran in the microprocessor industry.
Mr. Crawford, Intel's lead computer architect, described the new design as "explicitly parallel" computing.
She went on to work at Memorex during 1969-1972 as a digital system designer and computer architect.
Monty M. Denneau is a computer architect and mathematician.