Krack also approved, and, perhaps, prompted compulsory sterilization of prisoners.
In Virginia, which kept records, about 8,300 were sterilized between 1924 and 1972 under a state law providing for compulsory sterilization of the mentally disabled.
However, other people suggested that those considered "bad stock" would need to undergo compulsory sterilization, prenatal testing and birth control.
The latest data suggest that through compulsory sterilization and other measures, China has lowered fertility to by far its lowest level ever here.
International Criminal Court considers compulsory sterilization for a "crime against humanity".
In China, compulsory sterilization is part of family planning.
Some became subject to compulsory sterilization, or rendition to concentration camps.
In 1907, Indiana was the first state to pass a law regarding compulsory sterilization.
Some Southern legislators called for compulsory sterilization after a specified number of children, although no state actually passed such a law.
We are categorically against compulsory sterilization, as is practised on women in China, for instance.