And take it from someone who knows, compulsive eating isn't the way to go.
This latter group may well have a greater struggle with weight than most people for their whole lives, even if they can resolve their compulsive eating.
Maybe this compulsive eating, Barry, maybe it has something to do with thinking you killed your mother.
There are complexities with the biology of compulsive eating that separate it from a pure substance abuse analogy.
The connection between compulsive eating and intimacy in personal relationships.
She describes her rebounds as "dramatic compulsive eating".
They share some qualities with the finer grade of bar snack, not least the ability to trigger compulsive eating.
"Like compulsive eating, puffing away is just a matter of satisfying an oral craving."
The problem may start with stress-induced compulsive eating, leading to weight gain or a fear of it.
Some tips for avoiding bouts of compulsive eating include: