He is one of the few chief ministers in Pakistan who spent five years and completed his tenure.
Wimberly did not seek office that year, as he was completing his tenure at public works.
He left the game trailing by 1-0 but came within inches of completing his tenure in a scoreless tie.
After 24 years, he completed his tenure as beat writer for the Oilers in 1997.
His mother had just completed her tenure at Ruskin High School.
He completed his tenure after three years and stepped down in 2011.
It is the first Non-Congress government to have completed its full tenure of five years in its history.
Nehlen completed his tenure at West Virginia with a record of 149-93-4.
He retired from Army after completing his three-year tenure in 1994.
After completing his three-season tenure from 1971 to 1973, he had compiled a 12-20-1 record.