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As of early 2013 there were more than 4 dozen competing products on the market.
Now, he says, "The real difference between competing products is frequently no longer significant."
These improvements will likely be introduced on several competing products.
However, it did not take long before many competing products have been developed and deployed.
For some of them, we're going on 6 months with no directly competing products priced lower.
If they sell competing products, what will make them push yours?
Each company has a slightly different emphasis and can handle competing products, he said.
In some instances, the two companies even used the same catalog number on their competing products.
In some lines, trade shows are good sources of getting suppliers and looking over competing products.
However, it is becoming a less closed technology through the availability of competing products.
Our only remaining factor is the price differential among the two competing products.
In some areas its tough to have competing products.
The owner may prevent other parties from using the trademark on competing products.
Companies come out with competing products just to be able to say that theirs is bigger, faster or some other point.
Another criticism is the price, which is four to five times that of competing products.
This is best done by placing both the ideal points and the competing products on the same map.
These problems include maturing markets and the proliferation of competing products.
For the manufacturers, the advertising is a way to increase sales in a market where competing products are hard to tell apart.
A simple comparison of total estimated income from the competing products may provide as good a guide to decision making.
Assist in deciding which product to purchase from a list of competing products.
The arrangement is expected to give the Philips machine an edge over competing products.
And if they do, are competing products going to look alike, as more companies turn to the same players in the new design-for-hire game?
In contrast, some competing products attempt to lock their customers into a single platform.
Predictive text is developed and marketed in a variety of competing products.
Commercials for Chevrolet, he said, will make comparisons with the fuel economy of competing products.