Texas has made great strides, but the federal government must compel action elsewhere.
Some can be so strong that regardless of the consequences they compel action.
The Heart doesn't compel action, it merely offers the means to gain one's ends.
It is observed several times that this intelligence combined with instinct also compels action so completely that Protectors often have little "free will".
There were imminent public health threats that compelled swift action.
But while ethics does not compel further action, self-respect does.
The fact-finding panel has no legal authority to compel action by either side, although it can subpoena witnesses and gather evidence.
Rigorous : Challenging students through academically demanding programs that develop critical thinking and compel action.
"It is even more unusual to use the threat of an increased sentence to compel action by someone other than the defendant."
And Mr. Kerry has rarely been identified with issues that compel black voters - notably affirmative action.