Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Comparing results from the question "would others take advantage of you if they got the chance?"
Roger Stone waited until all had finished before comparing results.
These can be immediately interpreted by comparing results with cut-off values.
All of these features should be considered when comparing results obtained from different studies, with respect to both safety and efficacy.
Astronomers around the world were comparing results and beginning to realize that something was amiss.
Nevertheless it is important to use always the same wetting liquid when comparing results.
Users of surveys must consider the potential for mode effects when comparing results from studies in different modes.
"You can only change so much if you want to have longitudinal data, comparing results over the years, which is very important.
Checking the meter's accuracy when you visit the doctor by comparing results with the doctor's results.
This data was in addition to the psychometric data comparing results of the two testing periods.
This conclusion was reached by comparing results to the demographics of constituencies and polling districts.
Dr. Govindaraju said the tools became the standard for comparing results among all handwriting recognition groups.
These facts have to be borne in mind when comparing results of various attempts to measure equal-loudness contours.
For Louis, those had been long, gray hours in which he found himself totting up sums of varying ugliness and comparing results.
By using this water from the lake potentially confounding variables would be nullified by comparing results to the control.
Comparing results from several stations, Mohorovicic discovered he could, like bats or whales, detect objects by their reflected sound alone.
In paper 2, the authors tested the effect of quality scores by comparing results in studies with scores above and below the median.
For example, comparing results from the Christmas week with the same a year previous is more credible than with a non-holiday week.
Comparing Results On one test for junior high school math teachers, 57 percent of the whites passed but not one minority-group candidate did.
I don't think there's an unattached person in this building who isn't placing or answering personal ads and wasting time comparing results ad nauseam.
K-factor is determined by the user by running the nephelometer next to an air sampling pump and comparing results.
Each page can be scrolled independently so that comparing results from different metasearch engines can be easier.
Kaiser is comparing results from 100 patients using telemedicine in their homes in the Sacramento Valley with an equal number receiving traditional home visits.
Automatic indexing follows set processes of analysing frequencies of word patterns and comparing results to other documents in order to assign to subject categories.
Daling et al. examined the possibility of response bias by comparing results from two recent studies on invasive cervical cancer and ovarian cancer.