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Kellogg died in 1972, but not without leaving his mark on the field of comparative psychology.
This is indeed a legitimate question: natural history should include comparative psychology, an account of what different animal species can do.
Behavioral ecology in the 1970s gave a more solid base of knowledge against which a true comparative psychology could develop.
Carr also made contributions in the areas of comparative psychology, educational theory, and visual space perception.
Thus, comparative psychology and animal cognition are heavily overlapping research categories.
Such phases have raised interest in studies in aspects of comparative psychology and evolution.
Comparative psychology refers to the study of the behavior and mental life of animals other than human beings.
Edward's thesis is sometimes thought of as the essential document of modern comparative psychology.
Yerkes was a pioneering primatologist who specialized in comparative psychology.
Comparative psychology is sometimes assumed to emphasize cross-species comparisons, including those between humans and animals.
Animal behavior is studied in comparative psychology, ethology, behavioral ecology and sociobiology.
The development of modern comparative psychology.
Indeed, some early attempts at a genuinely comparative psychology involved evaluating how well animals of different species could learn different tasks.
Watson, John B. Behavior: an introduction to comparative psychology.
Fields of psychology and other disciplines that draw upon, or overlap with, comparative psychology include:
Research on this involved comparative psychology, developmental psychology, robotics, and cognitive modelling, all integrated within one programme.
Anthropogenic noise and its effect on animal communication: An interface between comparative psychology and conservation biology.
At Harvard, Yerkes became interested in animal behavior, so much so that he put off further medical training to study comparative psychology.
Comparative psychology of mental development.
An introduction to comparative psychology.
Instead, she argued that human beings and their relationship with animals could be better understood by using the qualitative methods of ethology and comparative psychology.
Thorndike's research drove comparative psychology for fifty years, and influenced countless psychologists over that period of time, and even still today.
Soon after arriving at Indiana, Kellogg began to plan an ambitious project concerning the comparative psychology of primates.
The International Society for Comparative Psychology was founded in 1980 and held its first meeting in 1983.
His degree from City College in comparative psychology mirrored his changing interest from astronomy to animal behavior.