While Eastern Michigan University is mainly a commuter campus, the school provides countless co-curricular opportunities.
Being a primarily commuter campus, Wright State does not offer the "typical" college student life, but does provide a number of student organizations.
They were not the electric goings-on that herald a football game in the Midwest, but for this 12,000-student commuter campus, they were significant.
Meanwhile, interest in the school rose, as financial destitution forced many Chicago-area students to forgo residential institutions elsewhere for a commuter campus closer to home.
In the past, she said, "it was more of a commuter campus; that's changing."
The Metropolitan Campus, while it has residence halls, is more of a commuter campus, and has a significant international student population.
Parking also was a major problem on the largely commuter campus.
The university is a heavily-dominated commuter campus serving the city of Bakersfield.
The closing will affect about 150 students - most of them from outside the state - at the commuter campus of 9,000.
Purdue University Calumet, long a commuter campus, is even constructing student housing.