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They stared at each other, then by common accord, looked through the crack of the door.
By common accord, they both turned to the window.
Then their eyes sought each other, by common accord.
And with one common accord, the three friends knelt together in silent prayer.
The body is appointed by common accord between the three countries for a four-year term period and a majority vote.
With one common accord we ran to the council chamber; the clock there marked the hour as ten minutes past.
This common accord between them gave the crafty, 1300 pound fox certain food for thought.
She is by common accord considered one of the most influential teachers of acting in this century.
Strangers, by common accord, are not welcome in Ruby.
We stood staring at the water for an instant, and then with common accord ran back to Grubby.
From across the woods, as if by common accord, birds left their trees and darted upward.
They are nominated by the three members and appointed by their Governments collectively through common accord.
The Court was composed of seven judges, appointed by common accord of the national governments for six years.
It will go ahead with unilateral implementation if the EC is unable to reach a common accord by the end of the year.
Fifteen Member States reached common accord and a common position, along with the Commission.
He and Aubrey dashed away as if they were inventing the music by common accord; it was a delight to hear.'
The Treaty stated that the location of the institutions would be decided by common accord of the members, yet the issue was hotly contested.
The greater challenge for us is to create an environment where all are free to speak, but by common accord each is also willing to listen and learn.
The Judges are appointed for a renewable term of six years by common accord of the governments of the Member States.
Only through dialogue and conflict settlement can these goals be achieved, goals which the European Union must pursue with determination and by common accord.
According to the memoirs of the Count of Palmela, Brazilian independence had come about through common accord between the king and the prince.
The 10 reports from the Committee on Legal Affairs focus solely on the codification of various acts, as established by common accord by the Legal Service.
European Community Commissioners are appointed by common accord of the member states, but the main responsibility for ensuring the accountability of the Commission rests with the European Parliament.
Those sorts of works, by common accord, made up the broad center of fiction; they dominated the best-seller lists, swept the prizes, were accorded respectful reviews in publications like this one.
Though there have been many cases of patients reaching "shunt independence", there is no common accord in which doctors can agree in which a patient might survive without a shunt.