The entire proceeding, in which the commission will serve as the judge, will be closed to the public.
In trying to further both the nuclear industry and nuclear safety, the commission often serves neither.
For the next ten years, the commission served as an information agency, showing county supervisors the best ways to build and construct roads.
Often in the past, The commission served as a stepping stone to run for higher offices in the state, although not always successfully.
The commission serves without pay, but is reimbursed for expenses.
This commission served as the official military agency of the council and worked to provide spiritual ministry to service personnel.
The commission served for ten years, from 2000 to 2010.
This commission has served as the model for other states.
Contrary to popular belief, the commissions do not serve as a centralized government for the Mafia.
The commission also serves as an advocate and information clearinghouse for the arts and cultural community.