This version probably also has less fat but more flavor than its commercial counterpart.
The designers have taken pains to make the site distinct from its commercial counterparts.
Unlike its commercial counterparts, it has a strong focus on code-based development of neural networks rather than visual construction.
The two that come closest to their commercial counterparts are the salad dressing and the Danish pastry.
They resemble their commercial counterparts, but have a softer and more soothing look.
"Unlike other forms of experimental performance, dance has never had a commercial counterpart," according to Mr. White.
They do, however, run circles around their commercial counterparts when it comes to administrative costs, averaging less than 10 cents on the dollar.
Are nonprofits becoming too much like their commercial counterparts and abandoning a commitment to daring work?
Techno always had an important influence on Eurodance music, which at times was basically its more commercial counterpart.