He is currently working on several personal photography projects, at the same time taking on selected commercial commissions.
For several years he headed a large practice and received numerous commercial commissions, including factories, office buildings, housing and department stores.
Producing these illustrations, along with commercial commissions, was how Hassall earned her living.
The change will come, he says, when younger architects with Classical training make the shift from residential work to commercial and government commissions.
Since this was Wright's first commercial commission, he took his task seriously and decided to design every element of the building.
In 2004, Rasher was asked by Jameson to do a commercial commission.
From the 1920s until the Depression she obtained commercial commissions from clubs and restaurants.
It is now run creatively by himself and Claire Warner, combining cultural and commercial commissions.
He was active in a range of residential, religious, institutional, civic, and commercial commissions.
He is more involved with large commercial commissions, but he has kept an interest in designing furniture for the home.