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The leaders of the government fought for democracy and human rights against British colonial oppression.
Some groups achieve market dominance because of colonial oppression or apartheid.
Later this style of hat became associated with colonial oppression and was slowly abandoned by the military, government, traffic police, etc.
Although the different societies in the two acts are quite different, they share the notion of colonial oppression.
After two centuries of white, colonial oppression, was this a case of the Aborigines' time finally having come?
Everyday life in a quilombo offered freedom and the opportunity to revive traditional cultures away from colonial oppression.
Akish dedicated his whole life to the liberation of the Tatar people from colonial oppression.
It echoes the tale of a modern India, liberating itself from "feudal and colonial oppression".
There, they would condemn the abuses of the Spanish government and vow to fight colonial oppression:
The idea of colonial oppression seemed like a kind of bad joke, as Mr. James told it.
African countries, historically generous to refugees - especially when they were fleeing colonial oppression - are now balking at the burden.
They did not come from a history of colonial oppression based on slavery, with its concomitant fractured families and internalised brutality.
He tried to bring up the subject of colonial oppression and the importance of unity in his conversation to the potential participants of the League.
The book details cultural and political changes that emerge due to the rejection of French colonial oppression by the Algerian.
He told the truth about the good work being done by the nonconformist churches in Jamaica, and about the colonial oppression of the slaves.
Another aftereffect of colonial oppression is that it sometimes results in the glorification of pre-colonial culture.
The long years of colonial oppression and oppression by the Banda regime have ended their negative influence over the educational system.
Studies of racism, sexism, class-bias, homophobia, and colonial oppression viewed as "divisive."
Prime Minister Lumumba retorted with a vehement indictment of colonial oppression.
Colonial oppression.
It "provided an opportunity for the construction of a nationalist ideology that could unite HIndus in their struggle against colonial oppression".
Churchill writes that she "explored Genet's idea that colonial oppression and sexual oppression are similar."
As a direct reaction and resistance to colonial oppression, archaeology was also used for the purpose of legitimating the existence of an independent nation-state.
Ali was idolised in our house by my mam and two brothers as a symbol of defiance against colonial oppression and an inspirational role model.
Traditional practices and roles taken up by women-sometimes seen as distasteful by Western standards-could be considered a form of rebellion against colonial oppression.