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He uses simple and colloquial language with a natural flow.
Romanian continued to be used as the colloquial language of home and family.
They used elements of colloquial language to make their writings more direct.
It entered use in the second half of the 13th century, and was derived from the colloquial language.
"He was the first Danish writer to write in the colloquial language," she continued.
It is thus both a biographical source and a record of colloquial language.
In colloquial language, the word got converted into the present surname.
He had the easy manner, and spoke simply but effectively in the colloquial language that his men understood best.
In the colloquial language, the perfect is often preferred to the preterite.
He used elements of colloquial language for his lyrics.
He often wrote in colloquial language and was for many the voice of the Armenian diaspora.
Like some other Dasas, he often used colloquial language for his compositions.
He has brought literary prose to the colloquial language.
Because of this, the castle is also called "Maxburg" in colloquial language.
He was glad to see the colloquial language use was spreading.
His works in Latin include a study of Polish colloquial language.
Colloquialisms are also sometimes referred to collectively as "colloquial language".
His verses characterized by the skilful use of colloquial language.
Early in this century many libretti were written in colloquial language.
Adaline's colloquial language fits the time, though I doubt anyone said "way different" in the 1840's.
The colloquial language immediately hit the stagnancy of Bengali music in the early 90s.
Innovative features in her works include the use of colloquial language and images of daily life.
There have therefore been two colloquial languages in the city side by side for a long time, with a significant division based on social differences.
He questioned the Vast differences between the colloquial language and Prose.