It is the process of taking one's environment and new information and fitting it into pre-existing cognitive schemas.
These premises apply to the entire spectrum of guerrilla communication because each tactic intends to disrupt cognitive schemas and thought processing.
He may also learn other negative cognitive schemas.
It is the person's cognitive schema which translates events into their internal representations.
According to Piaget, these children are operating based on a simple cognitive schema that things that move are alive.
PCT recognized the existence of cognitive schema or mental models that employees and employers use in interacting with each other.
Andersen (1993, Planap, 1985) suggests that cognitive schemata or our social knowledge help interpret various social interactions.
Negative valence received from any of the cognitive schemata can result in a negative relational outcome.
"Exposure to her emotions is causing departures from several of the clone's cognitive schemata, even here at the center of our power."
Interpretive dream work can provide clinicians better access to their client's cognitive schemas.