But 1998 also turned out to be a record year for cocaine production in Colombia.
With sufficient resources, however, both countries could make significant progress toward curbing cocaine production.
Forced child labor remains a problem, particularly in informal gold mines, cocaine production, and transportation.
He is also trying to wean peasants from economic dependence on cocaine production.
Bushes in the valley provide leaves for about half the world's cocaine production.
Last year's report, for example, called aerial spraying the only way to significantly curb cocaine production.
And if we want other countries to control cocaine production, we have to lead by example.
In a country with unemployment of more than 20 percent, perhaps 300,000 people are working at jobs that derive from cocaine production.
The reason, analysts say, is that many people work in the so-called informal, or unregistered, economy, which includes cocaine production.
The purpose of this preference system is to foster economic development in the Andean countries to provide alternatives to cocaine production.