The white powder used for this mark was made from coarse white soil.
Its typical habitat has been reported as coarse white sandy soils on low hills or intermittent watercourses.
As these bedrocks weather, they become the parent material of the coarse, acidic, red soil found throughout the area.
It spreads roots by putting out suckers but in coarse soil puts down a tap root.
Soil conditioners may be used to improve water retention in dry, coarse soils which are not holding water well.
The rest of the region has coarse soil that does not retain moisture well and is frozen as permafrost year round.
The coarse, sandy soil came apart as he touched it, breaking down into dust.
Acidic, sandy, or coarse soils often contain less calcium.
The coarse, gravelly soil slipped and slid under his boots as it had not earlier.
It thrives in a wide range of coarse, alkaline soils that are common to desert environments.