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Only last week an empty coal barge was cut loose.
Just a helicopter to take him to a coal barge in the mouth of a river.
They meet at the bar and she agrees to go on the coal barge with him.
Why doesn't he like his job as watchman on the coal barge?
The prisoners are now put to work loading coal barges.
You see power plants, for example, because most of them were built on the water to be near the coal barges."
The thought of coal barges crossing high above the river is astonishing.
Having fallen ill, she has come East to recover at her father's home, which turns out to be a coal barge.
The protest was aimed at stopping a coal barge from proceeding.
Khush follows them into the hold of the coal barge and so they carry on along the river.
Coal barges pulled by boat were a regular sight.
The canal then was mainly used by coal barges.
A dock on the property was renovated to accommodate coal barges and other large vessels.
Eight fishing boats and a coal barge also sank in the typhoon.
Fully loaded, the coal barge slowly crossed the glassy bay.
Of the two targets that seemed the most promising, one turned out to be an old coal barge constructed from iron.
From the outside, this was a coal barge anchored in the mouth of a river in some southern state.
I can't imagine anyone trying to steal a coal barge," laughed Penny. "
A: I wanted to get back to the early 1900s, when steamboats were still running on the various rivers pushing coal barges.
Risk-based controls - then how can we tell that a coal barge is smuggling people?
The charcoal was removed by coal barge and 1879 on the new Broekerveiling traded.
But two years ago, under new ownership, American Promise was hit by a 380-foot coal barge and sank.
A big, flat coal barge was passing under the bridge and I averted my eyes from the sight of it.
The transport, which had a cargo of ammunition, was towing two coal barges.
Then they got into an awful hurry all of a sudden an piled pretty near the whole boat load onto one coal barge.