The wounded beast lifted a shaking claw to clutch weakly at the whimpering form.
Locke clutched weakly at the lapels of Jean's coat with his good hand.
As they touched the metal instrument, they clutched weakly.
Michael clutched at him weakly, his eyes lost and defeated.
Lofbayel clutched weakly at the bar and for a moment looked as if he was about to collapse.
Carl shuffled out of the courtroom, the package clutched weakly to his chest, sunk in a sodden despair.
She screamed again and then collapsed onthe floor, sending an unoccupied Jaunt couch rolling slowly down the aisle with one weakly clutching hand.
One hand clutched weakly at empty air and then fell against his thigh.
He tried to clutch weakly at the wall as he fell.
Alfred, the very breath scared out of him, clutched weakly at a table and stared around him, eyes bulging.