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The idea is to put back in clothes shopping not only the fun but also the thought.
The thin man takes her to a clothes shop in the city.
The latest was found in a clothes shop yesterday morning.
At home, she's now able to go clothes shopping for regular clothing.
"The same time we heard about this girl in the clothes shop.
Other surveys show similar attitudes, and not just about clothes shopping.
Joe had never been on such a massive clothes shopping trip before.
You're planning a trip into town to go round the clothes shops.
You must think I really am mad, starving half to death and going in a clothes shop.
Then he got lucky when the owner of a clothes shop came out to say hello.
She had even gone clothes shopping in the main warehouse without being detected.
Is there anything more at the heart of suburban America than the right to do unnecessary clothes shopping?
One day, many, many years ago, I had gone clothes shopping with my mother.
He went on to own a clothes shop before becoming a mobile phone salesman.
They were here to kill a terrorist, but beforehand they'd do some clothes shopping.
The first place I rolled was a clothes shop.
Doing that clothes shop, the bath, the good food, the rest, they all fooled me into thinking I was myself again.
Apparently she's working in this clothes shop right now.
The first thing, early in that fourth month, happened in a clothes shop.
Jennifer has since lost over 100 pounds and is able to go clothes shopping with her girlfriends for the first time.
There are also a number of excellent second-hand clothes shops.
Jacquie lives on Jersey, where she runs a clothes shop.
Maybe I could open clothes shops in Poland, who knows?
There were several repercussions following my slight incident in the clothes shop.
There are no bargains in the clothes shops, however.
"Are any of my old clothes stored at the Hill?"
They headed for Oxford street and entered a clothes store.
Here is an example of a letter to a large clothes store:
"I found a vintage clothes store that's going out of business," Monica told them.
The first property reportedly damaged was a Nike clothes store.
Next to this station is a big supermarket with a lot of small clothes stores and some dinner locations.
He joined his brother's folk music band as lead vocalist and was working in a clothes store.
Ms. Hall, who lives with a roommate off campus, is taking 20 credits and works part time at a clothes store.
She often worked outside the music industry, including co-owning a clothes store in New York.
Currently this building is occupied by Zara (clothing) clothes store.
You couldn't walk twenty yards in Paris without falling over at least three clothes stores.
"The back part of the hardware store here in town is a clothes store," David resumed.
Andy is a store detective at a major women's clothes store in north London.
I was peering left and right in under the smart striped awnings, looking for the clothes store.
The rest are art galleries, handicraft shops, restaurants and clothes stores.
We were going down the Strand when I spotted clothes stores on both sides of the road.
He and Nada went to the changing rooms, where they evidently had sets of clothes stored.
It is a street full of old reclamation yards, record shops and retro clothes stores.
The site, on the main street of town, is near a 99-cents store, bargain clothes stores, a grocery and fast-food restaurants.
Authentic restaurants compete for street space with clothes stores and souvenir stalls.
Emerald city is a huge supermarket; food, drugs, cleaning objects, clothes store and more can be bought there.
Clothes Stores and Jewellery shops are established along the main road of the town.
One day while stealing a mannequin from a clothes store, he falls for the deaf female employee.
"Shame on anybody for thinking that I was upset for not being able to get into a clothes store and buy a purse," she said.
The man seemed nervous and excited, and told him to drive to any ready-made clothes store which would be open at that hour.