Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
They were better at this kind of close work than he was.
From that day forward they had a close working relationship.
You could do a lot of close work with a police positive.
"This will do for the close work I have in mind."
By all accounts, the two men have developed a close working relationship.
It's going to take a lot of cooperation and close work with the Congress.
But if those children never did close work, their eyes might develop normally.
But if children spent many hours of the day doing close work, the process could be disrupted.
It is a close working relationship built upon years of professional respect.
After 12 years, the close work is taking a toll on his vision.
In later episodes, however, the two develop a close working relationship.
I only need them for close work like writing my will."
About five years ago he took to wearing glasses for close work.
Further, they have probably developed a closer working relationship with each side than the lawyers.
It has become well known for its close working relationships with industry, commerce and the public services.
I got glasses two years ago, but they're just for close work; my long vision has never been better.
The press wanted to establish a close working relationship with its contributors.
"Many of them have had long friendships and, at the very least, close working relationships."
The two had continued to have a close working relationship during the Governor's tenure.
They continued to have a close working relationship for many years throughout her time as prime minister.
City government has infrastructure to create close working relationships with its citizens.
For close work like this he was using open express sights.
Slipping off the reading glasses that I used now for close work.
Each dolphin used his eyes or instruments for close work.
As such he or she establishes a close working relationship with the chief executive officer.