The most common transplants are to close relatives, but people have given kidneys to other friends.
Credit Suisse and Sister Sometimes proximity to close relatives is a crucial factor in real estate decisions.
Later, during the 12th century, it was given to close relatives of the Byzantine emperor, such as the sons of a sebastokratōr.
The Tsarist administration, fearing a political demonstration at his funeral, had it moved to a smaller location and restricted attendance to close relatives and friends.
The opponents emphasized that the measure would apply even to close relatives.
This form is generally used to show respect to close, older relatives.
However, lakhamaris will only be sent to close relatives.
Death benefit to close relatives or dependants (usually spouse and children) of a deceased member of the fund.
"My family hasn't seen it yet," Kovalev added, referring to close relatives in Russia.
To close relatives and friends he remained "Aleck" which his father continued to call him into later life.