It must cut unsustainable spending and close corporate loopholes, end subsidies and produce some revenue.
Adherents, who include many of the country's major adoption agencies, say the proposed law would require courts to consider what is best for children and close crucial legal loopholes.
This helps explain why many economists favor a version of tax reform that would lower marginal rates and close loopholes.
The measure would also bar noncommercial aircraft flights, close loopholes that had allowed American companies to continue some manufacturing in Haiti and toughen sanctions enforcement.
The measures would cut spending on pharmaceuticals, close loopholes that make it easy to receive Medicaid for nursing home care and expand enrollment in managed care.
We also need to reward hardworking middle-class families with tax breaks and close corporate loopholes.
My bill will streamline the Senate's operations and close technical loopholes that can be used to prevent Senators from having a substantive debate on legislation.
Regulations naturally require extensive amendments to national food legislation, but that, I believe, is the only way to remove inconsistencies and close loopholes.
The combination of the programmes can now serve to prevent overlapping and close loopholes.
Predictions of an inheritance boom may also lead to efforts to raise inheritance taxes, close loopholes or lower the tax exemption levels.