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I expect to have extremely close consultations with him.
He added that Israel will be in "close consultations" with the administration in the next days.
Even when the opportunity to comment has passed, closed consultations often provide a useful indication of the shape legislation is likely to take.
You can find our current and closed consultations and summary response documents - where available.
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In focus will be military training, joint research, counter-terrorism coordination and close consultations on Afghanistan.
Details of closed consultations are listed below.
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It has been signed and I have no doubt that there have been very close consultations between Member States about this issue.
Close consultations with Israel are continuing; so, too, are close consultations with our coalition partners.
We will continue at the same time our very close consultations on I.N.F. issues with our friends and allies in Europe and Asia.
General Casey has been in close consultations with the White House as the debate over the way forward in Iraq has intensified in recent weeks.
Already the Transport Minister, Michel Delebarre, has been forced to intervene, announcing cancellation of two proposed routes and promising closer consultations with local groups.
A spokesman of the United Nations, Jan Fischer, said a new date would be set "as soon as possible, in close consultations with the host country and member states."
For weeks, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Delaware Democrat, negotiated with Mr. Helms in close consultations with the Administration.
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He said his focus would be to "look after" the unity and stability of the GCC and he urged close consultations with the United States as part of this effort.
Recognizing Russia's special status among former NATO enemies as a heavily armed nuclear power, NATO will seek an agreement with Russia to create close consultations on security matters.
Diplomats said Mr. Wang made the point forcefully in the closed consultations, and he told reporters afterward, "If this resolution is put to vote, there will be no unity in the Security Council."
The World Bank is in "close consultations" with China about a resumption of lending to China "in the not too distant future," the bank's president, Barber B. Conable Jr., said today.
Mr. Lott's unusually close consultations with Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota, the minority leader, reflect a desire to avoid the partisan battles that plagued the impeachment proceedings in the House.
In a resolution adopted by a vote of 14 to 0 after more than 12 hours of both closed consultations and a long open debate, the Council also called on both sides to "move immediately to a meaningful cease-fire."
In 2004 Eiland took part in drawing up the disengagement plan in close consultations with US Advisors among them National Security Council Middle East Advisor Elliott Abrams.
Close consultations with the Council have enabled us to produce a text that strikes a fair balance between the desire to draw up harmonised rules and respect for individual countries' specific cultural practices, in keeping with the principle of subsidiarity.