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And we had to wear boots rather than rock climbing shoes.
If that was all there were to it, then you would need nothing but your body and a good pair of climbing shoes.
Now the feet, which were jammed into regulation climbing shoes.
But, Rignot notes, scientists just got some better climbing shoes.
A Tricouni is a metal nail used on mountain climbing shoes.
Her climbing shoes - two sizes too small for better sensitivity on the rock - stuck like fly feet to the wall.
He unzipped himself from his bed, sought his climbing shoes and pulled them on.
A young man was seated on the far side of the bridge, wearing climbing shoes and a khaki outfit.
Don't worry if you forgot your climbing shoes.
He would have to do it without the assistance of caulked climbing shoes or a pickax.
Climbing shoes are also available for rent.
Climbing shoes fit very closely to support the foot and allow the climber to use small footholds effectively.
Climbing shoes can be re-soled which decreases the cost of purchasing new shoes.
Close-fitting rubber climbing shoes, for better traction and edging capabilities.
Some also lend climbing shoes and chalk bags.
Unsuited to walking and hiking, climbing shoes are typically donned at the base of a climb.
On very difficult via ferrata some climbers use climbing shoes rather than the hiking boots normally used.
They use special climbing shoes, a bouldering mat, some brushes to clean the grips and sports tape.
Thin, flexible climbing shoes on her feet; the headlamp on her head.
As a result of their tightness, most climbing shoes, particularly the more aggressive or technical styles, are uncomfortable when properly fitted.
Climbing requires a minimum of equipment: climbing shoes and some powdered chalk to keep hands dry.
These products are presented as gear, not cosmetics, which makes it easy to throw them in the bag with, say, the rope and the climbing shoes.
One was "edging," in which you jammed the soles of your climbing shoes into cracks in the rock.
Approach shoes are hybrid footwear with some characteristics common to both hiking boots and rock climbing shoes.
She also makes climbing shoes using forks, fake fingernails, ukulele strings, and a candelabra.